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Tag: businesses

Articles tagged as Businesses

Business Electricity Customers Penalised For Being Loyal

Posted on March 2, 2024 by Ron Reginal
Gone will be the days when loyal customers were valued and given extra bonuses because of their loyalty.The retreat out of this practice began when companies operating in consumer markets and wanting to attract clients believed that offering reduced rates to clients alone would enhance their search for market share.The biggest culprits were banks, insurance firms, telecoms and essential utilities...

Collection Agency

Posted on October 10, 2023 by Ron Reginal
A collection agency is understood as another party, an authorized, that acts on your behalf of any business requesting such representation to be able to collect an unpaid debt.Let's face it, companies are in whatever chosen market to create money, never to lose it, and occasionally it is needed to hire an authorized to actively pursue unpaid debts.An assortment agency will sometimes collect debts for businesses or lenders and in other situations, they purchase unpaid debts so the debt could be collected and the amount of money then would go to the collection agency...

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Posted on June 16, 2023 by Ron Reginal
Ever heard about non-disclosure agreements? Perhaps, you have heard them known as confidentiality agreements, or perhaps a similar term.In any case, how familiar are you currently using them?Are you aware that should you are in a particular business, a non-disclosure agreement can spell the difference between your proverbial life and death of one's business, particularly, if your organization has employees, contractors or interns?So, what exactly are non-disclosure agreements?Non-disclosure agreements are thought as contracts that restrict the disclosure of confidential information or proprietary knowledge under specific circumstances...

How to Become a Motivational Speaker

Posted on October 10, 2021 by Ron Reginal
Quite simply, the only way to be a motivational speaker would be to train with somebody.To start with you need to decide what niche you need to target.You have to pick from a field that includes but isn't limited to finance, real estate, investment, faith, adolescent speakers, sales techniques and a lot more subjects of interest for businesses and groups of individuals around the world.Pick your area of expertise or at least the topic you want to talk to others about...