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Tag: bills

Articles tagged as Bills

Collection Agency

Posted on October 10, 2023 by Ron Reginal
A collection agency is understood as another party, an authorized, that acts on your behalf of any business requesting such representation to be able to collect an unpaid debt.Let's face it, companies are in whatever chosen market to create money, never to lose it, and occasionally it is needed to hire an authorized to actively pursue unpaid debts.An assortment agency will sometimes collect debts for businesses or lenders and in other situations, they purchase unpaid debts so the debt could be collected and the amount of money then would go to the collection agency...

Unsecured Credit Cards : What's The Difference?

Posted on May 18, 2022 by Ron Reginal
There are a great number of terms associated with the credit world.Along with such daunting vocabulary as adjustable APR or secured card, occasionally people can get confused about just what an attribute of a credit card means.First, we're going discuss what a secured credit card is usually.A secured card is a cards that is guaranteed.When you apply for one of these simple cards, you guarantee a down payment of cash or otherwise collateral therefore the bank can be sure that you will pay all of them back...